Workshop: Barriers and Opportunities to the development of IMTA and LTA
In a bid to explore innovative techniques in species production and promote better quality food that is more sustainable and ethical in its approach, a highly anticipated workshop is set to take place on 21st September 2023 in Vienna, Austria.
Embracing the collaborative spirit of the All-Atlantic Ocean Community, ASTRAL and AquaVitae projects invite you to join the workshop titled "Barriers and Opportunities to the development of Integrated Multi-Trophic Aquaculture (IMTA) and Low Trophic Aquaculture (LTA): Experiences from European Projects".
In order to overcome the significant growth barriers that persist in the EU, we believe that swift coordinated action is essential. To this end, various European projects dedicated to the advancement of the aquaculture sector - AquaVitae, ASTRAL, FutureEUAqua, InEVal, Integrate, IMPAQT, INNOAQUA, Remedia, and SeaMark - are collaborating in this workshop. Together with representatives of the European Commission, European aquaculture organisations, and other stakeholders, we aim to tackle the challenges faced by the industry and develop a common roadmap for innovation and competitiveness in IMTA and LTA.
We have carefully crafted this workshop to address the global challenges faced by the EU aquaculture sector, ranging from environmental changes to economic feasibility and social acceptance contexts. The focus will be on the sustainable development potential of LTA and IMTA in three different sessions:
Challenges and opportunities of governance in the EU: Creating inclusive legislative and regulatory frameworks.
Developing markets, re-thinking business models and financial instruments for socio-economic sustainability: Building a competitive and resilient IMTA/LTA sector.
Recognising environmental performance and fostering IMTA/LTAs contribution to the green deal: developing a sustainable aquaculture sector whilst respecting nature.
The workshop sessions will feature two key speakers followed by a panel discussion and discussions and questions from the audience.
We greatly appreciate your consideration of this invitation and look forward to the opportunity to meet and exchange insights in Vienna.
You can save your spot by registering here.