The Atlantic International Research Centre (AIR Centre) is an international initiative to create a multinational distributed organisation for transatlantic scientific collaboration and innovation, with particular attention to both sides of the tropical and South Atlantic area. Its main purpose is to strengthen research and innovation cooperation among the Atlantic countries to address the challenges of developing a more integrated and connected sustainable blue economy in the Atlantic.

The AIR Centre’s central role in ASTRAL is to lead WP1: Collaborative Ecosystem for Aquaculture in the Atlantic, aimed at the design and implementation of the 'Atlantic Aquaculture Network' in the Atlantic area. The AIR Centre leads the efforts to map, identify and engage the stakeholder value chain, unlock the value proposition of a transatlantic alliance to essential public and private entities and settle permanent and suitable platforms and organization structures to ensure the legacy of the ASTRAL project. The AIR Centre establish permanent dialogues and interactions with AANCHOR, contributors to the Belem statement and related projects to exchange information, cocreate joint activities and promote networking among partners interested in transatlantic interactions.

Meet the Team

Dr Natalia Ospina-Alvarez

Innovation Manager in Blue Economy & Senior Project Officer

Dr Tânia Li Chen

Project Officer